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Donate and create ripples!
Every charitable organization relies on individual donors to accomplish a common goal – in our case it is
"Abolishing elephant slavery and protecting endangered Asian Elephants."
VFAES is very frugal and ensures that every single penny of your hard-earned money is utilized for elephants. Unlike many nonprofits that allocate 30-35%, VFAE has earmarked only approximately 18% for administrative purposes. At least 82% of the funds are dedicated to our projects, including education, sensitization and for elephant welfare.
As with all organizations and businesses, VFAE has to raise funds for administrative costs such as banking, travel, and other expenses. VFAES operates virtually - in other words, hold virtual meetings - and saves tremendously on operational costs, VFAES still needs to subscribe to apps such as Zoom (video conferencing tool), Basecamp (organizational too), G-Suite and others.
Create ripples by asking five friends to become monthly donors, and receive a free signed digital poster, and a digital download of Gods in Shackles documentary!
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